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Will you give me a lift, Mum? And the sight of these cygnets can give us all a lift as it signals the start of summer
❥ mother swan hiding baby swan under her wings... beautiful in every way
A policeman in New York City stops traffic just for a cat to carry its kittens across the street, 1925
A policeman in New York City stops traffic just for a cat to carry its kittens across the street, 1925 - OldSchoolCool
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Tiger roar! I feel like making it happen today...either join me or move out of the way...
Extraordinary pictures that show the Pride and joy of a Lion King
bing lions | ... pictures that show the Pride and joy of a Lion King | Mail Online (This is Trixabelle)
Mommy Makeover Prices and Plastic Surgery Costs
Faith Hope Love
Mother and Young Reindeer, Siberia
pinner: 'my yearly reindeer rant: both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year but male reindeer drop them at the beginning of winter, in Nov-Dec. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Thus according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every single one from Rudolf to Blitzen ... has to be female.'