Teaching Inspiration

Setting Up Your Classroom: 9 Practical Things You May Not Have Thought Of
Setting Up Your Classroom: 9 Practical Things You May Not Have Thought Of | Teach 4 the Heart
Make an “I’m Done!” cup so that early finishers aren’t bored. | 37 Insanely Smart School Teacher Hacks
25 Ways to Make Grading Less Painful
25 Ways to Make Grading Less Painful: . Make them self- and peer-assess first. 2. Organize it immediately. 3. Do 10% the first night you take it home. 4. Start with one you're excited to see. 5. Take them out of alpha order so you don't obsess over which one you're "on" 6. Or stack them up, such as in fives or tens, if you need to be able to visualize progress 7. Use the right stuff. 8. Have a drink. I mean water. 9. Get comfortable. ...
37 Insanely Smart School Teacher Hacks
Use colored dots to make groups easy. Put a different colored dot on each desk in a group. When you need to have a student from each table do something, you can simply ask for all the green dots to bring you the papers from their group.
I love this idea! - "These shout out pages allow students to share positive statements or compliments about their classmates in an anonymous way."
If you’ve got clogged glue caps, soak them in vegetable oil. | 37 Insanely Smart School Teacher Hacks
Put your colored paper in hanging filing folders to keep them neat. | 37 Insanely Smart School Teacher Hacks
Mitten Match Activities for Rhyme, Beginning Sounds and Vocabulary - Make Take & Teach
Mitten Match activities for beginning sounds, rhyme and vocabulary. Add a little winter-themed fun into your centers!
Keep paint in squeeze ketchup bottles.
Great ideas and tips for primary school teachers and classrooms