Welcome to my crappy mood!

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Quotes - LifeHack
No tolerance for people that try to manipulate you or lie to you, also two-faced people. It's even worse when people try to manipulate someone you care about to go against you & take their side, when they are REALLY the ones at fault (Smear campaigns).
Some days she has no idea how she'll do it. But every single day, it still gets done positive inspirational quotes for women and moms
A person's true colors
A person's true colors life quotes life life lessons inspiration fake instagram fake people
said every INFJ ever…
Sometimes I also feel like at times, I'm the smartest person in the room because I've already figured out the rest of the conversation and they're still clumsily blurting their replies but then other times people just start moving and I'm like, "Uh-oh, what happened, what do I do?"