Halfmoon Bettas

A board dedicated to pictures of Halfmoon bettas, all images are sourced and certified to Bettaboxx only. Please enjoy the images but reuse with caution.
30 Pins
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Those colours! The bold contrast between the bright white body and the dark orange fins is breathtaking! Let alone that dark blue finish on the tail fin! Stunning Halfmoon. Credit goes to the talented breeders at 'Gamebetta' #halfmoonbetta #halfmoon #bettafish #betta
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Mindblowing fins on this stunning rosy-white halfmoon! Beautiful! #halfmoonbetta #halfmoon #betta #bettafish #bettaboxx
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WOW! The colours and markings on this halfmoon are crazy!!! Electric blue on black that's a rarity :O #betta #halfmoonbetta #bettaboxx
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A betta looking like a blue flame as he descends in his aquarium! The vibrant green of the live plants in the background really makes his colours pop! #betta #bettafish #halfmoon #halfmoonbetta #bettatank
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Mad colours! The patch of white on his bottom fin is a sweet touch to this dude! So vibrant :) #halfmoonbetta #betta #bettafish #bettaboxx
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A stunning white and red halfmoon! Great fins on this guy! #betta #bettacommunity #aquatics #bettaboxx #halfmoonbetta
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Explosive fins on this copper betta! Boy... he really knows show to flare! XD #halfmoonbetta #betta #bettafish #bettaboxx
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A beautiful blood red 'samurai' #halfmoonbetta by Kaimook Betta Farm. Stunning. #betta
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Up close and personal with this super vibrant halfmoon!Such nice colours on this guy :) #betta #bettafish #halfmoonbetta #bettaboxx
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Blown away by the colours on this#hmpk blue white and orange an impressive combo! #betta #halfmoonbetta #plakat #bettaboxx
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Great photo of a halfmoonlurking in the shadows of his aquarium! :) #halfmoonbetta #betta #bettafish #bettaboxx
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Yet another post bringing you a stunning #halfmoonbetta from the Gamebettabreeders. A striking tricolour flaring his impressive display! #betta #bettafish #halfmoon
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The lighting looks so ace in this photo great photography! The white on the fins of this #halfmoon looks like it's glowing :O #halfmoonbetta #betta #bettafish #bettaboxx
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A beautiful rosy white #halfmoonbetta contrasting nicely with the black gravel in this shot! A great picture by @kobebeandonut :) #betta #bettafish #halfmoon
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A betta and cory... just chillin' together... #betta #bettafish #aquatics #bettaboxx #tropicalfish #halfmoonbetta