
35 Pins
Full Buck Moon (And Other July Delights)
monney plant / monnaie du pape / lunaria annua (mary jo hoffman)
Honesty, the best policy
Honesty, the best policy
Annual Honesty Flower - Free photo on Pixabay
310 curtidas, 14 comentários - Eline | Plants | Dutch (@myplanttherapy) no Instagram: “Coins vs Pearls Who wins?”
How to care for String of Pearls: 8 tips
Senecio Rowleyanus aka String of Pearls - beautifully succulent, infinitely captivating. We decided to share our essential plant-care tips for the String of Pearls, not only because we believe the world is winning when the Pearls are thriving, but also because so many of you poor souls struggle to keep them ali