Brand and Store Logos

Logos that I come across which I believe have underlying tones of voice.
10 Pins
Lavafilm is a small and courageous film company based in Oslo, Norway. They deliver almost everything in filmmaking and is inspired by fashion and contemporary art. In the development of their identity, we explored the interaction between the classic and the contemporary. We have experimented with a solution, where the sum of the visual elements are the cornerstone of the identity, as opposed to the standard, where the logo stands out as the most important element.
Brands in Full Bloom - DARYL FERIL
DARYL FERIL Fashion Logo Typography. It shows you how important simple typography is when reading a logo.
Lindsay Humes | Dynamic WordPress Themes for Food Bloggers
The Mix By Tara - Logos R1 - logo design, wordpress theme, mood board inspiration, blog design idea, graphic design, branding, style blog, fashion
I like the idea of a simple graphic that could also be printed on it's own and still mean me. || moxham