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Mums are making double height bunk beds to give kids more space in their rooms
Mums are making double height bunk beds to give their kids more space in their bedrooms
35 Mezzanine Bedroom Ideas
Do you have high ceilings and nothing to do with all of that space above your bed? Check out what they did here, it’s one of the first Mezzanine loft bedroom ideas on the list. They obviously have some really high ceilings and didn’t want to waste any of the space so they created a loft. This loft area is perfect for having your own relaxation station rather than using your bed. It’s beautifully lit, designed, and has great use of a small lower level.
Weekend vibes 🛏 'cause nothing beats a cozy bedroom with super high ceiling. Now this is what I call a clever usage of vertical space 🎯…
Bedroom İdeas - Do you have high ceilings and nothing to do with all of that space above your bed? Check out what they did here, it’s one of the first Mezzanine loft bedroom ideas on the list. They obviously have some really high ceilings and didn’t want - Girl Power Pack
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There is that Mezzanine again. :-D Would be great if the walk in wardrobe was above the bed.