Self image

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Frank Auerbach
Frank Auerbach - get students to cover a sheet in willow charcoal and rub whites back into - then use compressed charcoal when committal - then fill in the darkest darks in black conte and possibly whitest white in white conte
Cubism, Joiners and The Multiple Viewpoint
In a collaborative project called 'Destroy Rankin' musicians have 'Destroyed or reinterpreted portraits of themselves taken by Rankin. Rankin takes the original photograph but the final image is, ultimately, a self portrait. This image by Marianna Faithful has the same fractured feel as Picasso and Hockney.
I Like Pictures
11th Chakra - When the eleventh chakra starts to open the individual will become aware of the larger picture of his or her multidimensional self; that his or her existence in physical reality is just one manifestation of many simultaneous other existences on other planes of existence. This explanation gives a hint to what awaits the individual after ascension; the working toward becoming conscious on all planes of existence, not just the physical one.
Andy Warhol: Art for the masses
Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) Self-Portrait, 1978 The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh. | The official home for all things Disney
thumbprint art... blow up image of child's thumbprint to use as a guide and overlay with either paint, yarn or pipe-cleaners. Connection with self identity! Want to do this and hang it on my wall :)
High Doses of Vitamin B6 Can Help Reduce Depression and Anxiety
SYLVIA PLATH: The Bell Jar - '...Is there no way out of the mind?' - The real you is trapped inside, hammering against the walls of the brain, silently screaming to get out but simply unable to break through.
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This is a creative effect done with at least 2 photos. The opacity of the hands has clearly been decreased and it looks as if the hands are over the eyes, although the eyes could be separate from the original photo.
Broken Mirror Reflection
"Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to pick up the pieces, if need be, when its over."