Bookworm, booknerd, book lover, booktrovert

Printable book review sheet to keep track of your reads
Print in A4 or A5, and write book reviews for your own records or to send to a book loving friend when you fond a book you loved and think they would also enjoy reading. This book review printable is for personal use only but can be printed as many times as you’d like to create your own reasing journal or to send reading inspiration to a fellow bookworm.
This may contain: many books are laying on top of each other with the words choose your reading journal
Choose a reading journal this year to record all the books you’ve read in one place
Choose from pink, blue, green to record up to 60 books, or yellow if you need 100 spaces to review and trsck stats for the books you’ve read this year. With hand-lettered typography and illustrated books to colour in, this reading journal is like a ready made book bullet journal.
This may contain: several books are arranged on a green surface
How to use a reading journal: a blog
Discover the benefits of reading whilst keeping a record of book reviews and other stats using a reading journal. This blog post will guide you as you begin, and helps you to choose the best reading journal for your needs. Like a rwsdy-made book bullet journal, And Hope Designs has created a useful and elegant reading journal featuring hand lettered elements, various pages to track your reading journey and cute illustrations to colour in.
This may contain: several books are arranged on a green surface
A reading journal in four cover choices to review all your books read over the year
Featuring 60 book review pages hand lettered and beautifully drawn to match a bujo style, the and hope designs reading journal is available with a pink cover, blue cover, green cover and the new yellow cover for the larger 100 book reading journal. Perfect for a book lover - this makes a great christmas gift for your favourite bookworm. #reading #readingjournal #bookjournal
How to use a reading journal
A reading journal is like a reasy made book bullet journal with all the spreads made for you, all you need to do is read books and fill it in. Read my latest blog post to find out more about the cool aesthetic and hand lettered resding journal spreads included in my reading journal and why keeping one is so beneficial.
A reading journal of dreams for all bookworms
Ever wanted to make a book bullet journal but didn’t have the skills? Ive got you! This reading journal is like a ready made book bullet journal. Featuring book review pages, graphs to keep track of stats and simple monthly trackers. This reading journal is beautiful with hand lettered items and easy to use. There are also a couple of blank pages to add in your own challenges or trackers you want to remember as you read through the year. There is a space for star ratings and a box on each book review page to add in the cover of each book.
The reading journal of dreams for a bookworm who reads up to 60 books per year
Ever wanted to make a book bullet journal but didn’t have the skills? Ive got you! This reading journal is like a ready made book bullet journal. Featuring book review pages, graphs to keep track of stats and simple monthly trackers. This reading journal is beautiful with hand lettered items and easy to use. There are also a couple of blank pages to add in your own challenges or trackers you want to remember as you read through the year. There is a space for star ratings and a box on each book review page to add in the cover of each book.
I read past my bedtime large vinyl sticker
A sticker for all book lovers, avid readers and bibliophiles. Hand lettered in front of a watercolour stack of books, it says “i read past my bedtime”. The perfect waterproof sticker for the water bottle, kindle, ipad, ereader or notebook of someone who cant get enough of books and has to read just one more chapter before bed!
This reading journal has changed my life in more ways than one, and has brought joy to so many fellow readers. I designed it last year to get off my phone, read more and keep an analogue record of the books I read and what I thought of them. Over Christmas and new year, I sold over 400 of them, and the reviews have blown me away. It now comes in 3 cover colour ways and I have plans for a fourth colour with more pages for those who read up to 100 books per year. Thank you so much if you’ve tak...
This may contain: a book sitting on top of a wooden table
Reading journal for 60 books flick through
Read up to 60 books per year? Want a simple reading journal to keep track and write book reviews? Tried and failed at making a book bullet journal? This reading journal is for you! Featuring a few simple trackers and charts, this reading journal has space to chart up to 60 reads and is perfect for the moderate reader. Available in three cover colours and laced with hand lettered calligraphy and little illustrations throughout, this thought through resding journal is great for all the readers, and perfect as a book lover’s gift.
Reading journal to record 60 of your books read this year
Includes hand lettered calligraphy details, beautifully feminine pages and well designed book review pages. All you need without the extra fluff, a rating scale for your reads, bar charts to keep track of how many books and how many pages you read each month, a couple of blank pages to add extra trackers or challenges you want. Also features a bookshelf to colour, and small illustrations on most pages to add colour. #reading #readingchallenge #readingjournal #bookjournal #bookbulletjournal #bookgift #readinglover #readinggift
Romantic Book Card Valentines Card Book Cover Sky Blue You & Me - Etsy UK
Romantic Book Card Valentines Card Book Cover Sky Blue You & Me - Etsy UK
Reading Journal, Book Bullet Journal, Book Planner, Reading Log Notebook - Etsy
My weekend is all booked up bookish print
My weekend is all booked up pun print. Display your love of books and reading all over your walls! This isvthe third of a collection of wall art prints with hand lettered book themed quotes and lyrics above watercolour painted books. The three art prints together look epic with their dofferent shades of blue, and matching illustrations. Perfect to hang in a reading nook or corner, or to give to a bookworm friend.