
39 Pins
It is Only After This Bite That the Gastronomic Narrative Begins by James Rennie // James Rennie graduated from Nottingham University in 2012 after obtaining a BArch Hons in architecture. His work often results from or creates a narrative, believing that stories happen within space and that space is created and remembered by the stories that happened in it or lead up to its creation. ...
Finding A Balance_Exploring Architectural Narratives Mengyao Han These illustrations explore a variety of projects from Mengyao’s masters study in Politecnico di Milano. What she finds the …
architettura radicale
Superstudio, Story board for the film on the Continuous Monument, "Casabella" Magazine No.358, 1971. 3/4
Articles - ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΕΣ - ΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣ - 2009-10 - (131) Διαδρομή – Μουσείο Γεωλογικής Ιστορίας Σαντορίνη
CGI artist Forbes Massie creates painterly renderings
Alex Hogrefe's conceptual retreat is cut into an Icelandic clifftop