Alan Kluckow Fine Art

Alan Kluckow Fine Art Private and corporate art collecting Consultancy Alan Kluckow Fine Art offers an in-depth consultancy service to both private and corporate clients who collect art. Gallery Established in 1999. Alan Kluckow Fine Art gallery is organised and run to provide experienced guidance and easy access to the world of fine art.
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PNEUMA Nicholas Herbert New Paintings
The works in Pneuma were very different. They are light, bright and ethereal; at moments they appear almost not to be there at all. But they are not images of nothing. On my second time of studying them in conversation with the artist, a remark attributed to the French composer, Claude Debussy, came to mind: ‘Music is the silence between the notes.’ It’s an enigmatic statement, but equally, these are enigmatic, rather haunting images. They are the artistic equivalent, perhaps, of the sound to be heard between the notes in a piece of music. They are reminiscent, too, of Robert Rauschenberg’s rubbed-out drawing, Erased de Kooning, and John Cage’s minimalist ‘silent’ composition, 4’ 33”. Execerpt from an essay in the exhibition catalogue by David Boyd Haycock
PNEUMA Nicholas Herbert New Paintings
Nick Herbert in his studio
PNEUMA Nicholas Herbert New Paintings
Artist Nick Herbert and David Boyd Haycock who wote the catalogue introduction
PNEUMA Nicholas Herbert New Paintings
The works in Pneuma were very different. They are light, bright and ethereal; at moments they appear almost not to be there at all. But they are not images of nothing. On my second time of studying them in conversation with the artist, a remark attributed to the French composer, Claude Debussy, came to mind: ‘Music is the silence between the notes.’ It’s an enigmatic statement, but equally, these are enigmatic, rather haunting images. They are the artistic equivalent, perhaps, of the sound to be heard between the notes in a piece of music. They are reminiscent, too, of Robert Rauschenberg’s rubbed-out drawing, Erased de Kooning, and John Cage’s minimalist ‘silent’ composition, 4’ 33”. Execerpt from an essay in the exhibition catalogue by David Boyd Haycock
Next gallery exhibition:
Next gallery exhibition:
Next Exhibition
Next exhibition in the gallery features a selection of works by Irish realist Comhghall Casey and Terry Greene, an abstract painter based in West Yorkshire, together with sculptor Sadie Brockbank, whose studio is in Berkshire, UK.
Recent exhibitions | alankluckowfineart
Winter Exhibition 30th November to 23rd January This years winter exhibition includes a selection of work by artists who have been represented by the gallery for some years, including, Boo Mitford, Christopher Farrell, Heather Jansch, Martin Yeoman and Robbie Wraith, but we are very pleased to introduce three new artists; Helen G Blake, Kristin Vestgård and Michael Pickl whose work we will be showing for the first time at Alan Kluckow Fine Art.
Recent exhibitions | alankluckowfineart
The exhibition features paintings and sculpture by a selection of gallery artists. This years winter exhibition includes a selection of work by artists who have been represented by the gallery for some years, including, Boo Mitford, Christopher Farrell, Heather Jansch, Martin Yeoman and Robbie Wraith, but we are very pleased to introduce three new artists; Helen G Blake, Kristin Vestgård and Michael Pickl whose work we will be showing for the first time at Alan Kluckow Fine Art.
Recent exhibitions | alankluckowfineart
The Art of the Portrait Paintings, drawings and sculpture by Antony Williams, David Williams-Ellis, Robbie Wraith and Wilfrid Wood.
Recent exhibitions | alankluckowfineart
The Art of the Portrait Paintings, drawings and sculpture by Antony Williams, David Williams-Ellis, Robbie Wraith and Wilfrid Wood.
Contempary art gallery in Sunningdale, Berkshire
Susan Leyland working on The War Horse Memorial at Black Isle Bronze in Scotland - The Memorial was unveiled on the 8th of June, 2018 on the Heatherwood Roundabout next to the Ascot Racecourse /
Alan Kluckow Fine Art contemporary gallery in Sunningdale, Berkshire, exhibits paintings and sculpture in a wide range of styles and prices.
Exhibition extended until 9th May
Recent exhibitions | alankluckowfineart
Christoph Drexler 'Table' - oil on canvas - 130 x 140 cm