People often shy away from yellow in planting schemes. I believe it brings joy wherever it is included! here's some inspiration for yellow flowers and planting from gardens, interiors and fashion. Pale Primrose though Mustard to Acid Yellow. I hope it makes you SMILE x
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Kerria japonica
Little yellow pom poms on tall arching stems. This Spring flowering shrub can look a bit scruffy but who doesn't like a yellow pom pom?
Winter Aconite
These will take your breath away in the midst of Winter. Low growing little yellow faces that will spread and spread. They're a woodland plant so like it slightly shady and open their faces when the leaf canopy above is bare.
Mustard peach and emerald color palette | Print, Pattern & Colour | Bedroom colors, Room colors, Color schemes
Mustard peach and emerald color palette #colorpalette #emerald and mustard color palette
Ripped Jamie Jeans & A Mustard Suede Jacket!
Ripped Jamie Jeans & A Mustard Suede Jacket! | Emtalks | Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle and Travel blog.: Ripped Jamie Jeans & A Mustard Suede Jacket!
November is the best time to take hardwood cuttings from honeysuckle. Cut a 30cm stem with a bud at the top and the bottom, and insert it 15cm into a slit in the ground, adding a little sand to the slit if your soil is heavy. Give the plant a year to get going before you transplant it #homesfornature
Glow Magazine Summer 2018 Maria Khlyvniuk by Mara Lazaridou
Glow Magazine Summer 2018 Maria Khlyvniuk by Mara Lazaridou - Fashion Editorials
Mimmis blommor - Fröer 2011
Phlomis Russeliana. Taken from Mandy's old garden, divided and planted in the big bed. The stems look good in the winter.
Search results for: 'phlomis fruticosa'
Jerusalem Sage - Use in planters, hardy and drought tolerant.... grows fast and has great color. Grow around 4-5' tall.
Betula - Silver Birch
This is it in Autumn! You can't get more yellow than that! The leaves change from mid green to yellow as the season changes. A small enough tree for a large garden it likes slightly acid soil.