Quotes by Louise Hay...❤

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*My Home is a Peaceful Haven*~I Bless my Home With Love. I put Love in every corner, and my home lovingly responds with warmth and comfort. I Am at Peace.~Louise Hay
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Everyone in my life has something to teach me. We have a purpose in being together. ~ Louise L. Hay
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Positive affirmations ~ I can just be who I am ...
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Wisdom Cards - Affirmations - Louise Hay
~I am my own Unique Self~ Psalm 139:14 ESV I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
I can do it by Louise Hay A1605-LHCD @ Crystal Light Centrum™
I am loved and accepted exactly as I am, right here and right now. :)