
71 Pins
The iBand+ Wearable Aims to Induce Lucid Dreaming
Wearable technology and lucid dreaming; two things you wouldn't normally hear in the same sentence. Unless, you were on the team of Arenar, the Amsterdam-based startup behind the iBand+. The iBand+ wearable is all about sleep, but instead of the average sleep tracking package offered by many other wearables, the iBand+ aims
New eye implant invention claims to give patients pin-sharp focus
Eye Implant Could Make Glasses Obsolete | A revolutionary new eye implant that doctors are referring to as a “breakthrough” could make glasses a thing of the past for millions of people... [Futuristic Contact Lenses: The Future of Medicine:] #Technology #Innovation
ili: The World's First Wearable Translator - IPPINKA
ili is the world’s first wearable translator. It allows the user to translate their thoughts with a push of a button. It is a tiny device you can actually hang around your neck like a piece of jewelery.
‘DRAS’tic Design - Yanko Design
The Drasphone tries to combine two undeniably massive trends in cellular phone design. The clamshell trend of the 90s, and the present touchscreen display trend. Pioneering flexible display technology, this conceptual smartphone bends at not one, not two, but at three points! This allows you to make the Drasphone compact in two ways. Do a half fold, and you have a Squarish MiniDras, or a complete fold, and you get a MicroDras.
This Amazing 3-D Desktop Was Born at Microsoft
This Amazing 3-D Desktop Was Born at Microsoft
The Disappearing Screen is Here - Yanko Design
Innovative Fridge Uses Gel, Bio-Nano Robots to Cool Your Food
This innovative refrigerator is unlike any other because it uses gel and bio-nano robots to cool your food.
The Key-Fob GPS Homing Device - Hammacher Schlemmer
Simply push a button when you leave your car or a hotel and the device marks the location and points the way back. Half the size of a cell phone, the compact receiver fits easily on a keychain, in a pocket, or in a purse. How about an iPhone App and eliminate the extra thing?
A Twist on the Gas Mask - Yanko Design
When we think of gas masks, we immediately envision goggles with a large contraption placed over the mouth. That’s because the design has largely gone unchanged over the years. Perhaps this cumbersome design is not the best solution. Read Full Story at Yanko Design
Eco shocker: Turbine Light concept uses wind to light highways
Eco shocker: Turbine Light concept uses wind to light highways Ingenious, eco-friendly concepts are all around us, there's no denying that. This one caught our eye because it's pretty innovative, seemingly well thought out, and good looking to boot. The Turbine Light concept harnesses the power of the wind from cars rushing past to light up the ever-darkening roadways.
19-Year-Old Student Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7,250,000 Tons Of Plastic From the World's Oceans
19-Year-Old Student Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7,250,000 Tons Of Plastic From the World’s Oceans
Japan Is Building Underwater Kites to Harness the Power of Ocean Currents
Japan Is Building Underwater Kites to Harness the Power of the Ocean Current. [Future Energy: Solar Panels: Wind Turbines: Underwater:]